venerdì 29 novembre 2013

Xmas Wishlist

My desires for this Xmas aren't clothes, shoes or the new iPhone
my desire for this xmas is just one: TRAVEL!
I absolutely need to start soon to traveling again, here i feel oppressed, nothing makes sense
of course in Italy i have my lovely family and my lovely friends 
but after six month far away from my country i have the certainty:
 travel and discover new culture,place and meet new people is the Best feeling Ever!
Put your life in one luggage and.. Leave, Love, Live!!

My Fly tickets/memories 

giovedì 28 novembre 2013


Sometimes i need to take a day only for my mind.
Listening classical music, reading book, and think about the good things of my person.
Every day the life makes big disorder in my brain and everything become difficult and heavy.
When i feel tired, stressed and not happy... it's time to reading and listen music and (i know worst attitude) smoke some cigarette.
exactly what i need today!

and you... what do you need today?

The secret diary of Marie Antoinette

lunedì 25 novembre 2013

Travelling: BERLIN

Berlin is definitely my favorite city in the World!! 
I visited city like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas but no one gave me the same sense of "freedom" like Berlin, always is a strong feeling for me visit her.
Different cultures, smell, food and colors all mixed together
Is the perfect idea of city for me.
Hopefully i come back in Berlin next May, ticket one way.

domenica 24 novembre 2013

sabato 23 novembre 2013

Leaving Melbourne

"Vado verso la natura per essere cullato e guarito, e avere i miei sensi messi in ordine." -John Burroughs Una Farm tra le ...